4 Simple Fitness Tips for A Great Body

Congratulations, you have finally decided to make a step forward to get in shape. Most of us are guilty
of wanting to have a perfectly cinched waist line by eating junk food and watching Netflix all day long.
But this is just a dream, you have to put in efforts to be in shape. So, start with these 4 simple tips to
get a body which feels great.

namrata purohit fitness

1. Exercise Daily

It is recommended to exercise daily for at least an hour. You don’t have to exhaust yourself from
excessive running, jogging etc but make sure that you follow a moderate physical activity in your
day to day life. You can take ample inspiration from Namrata Purohit fitness regime, who is a trusted
celebrity trainer. If you wish to lose some extra pounds fast, you can start with a higher-level of
intensity workout or plan your jogging with set intervals to sprint during one hour.

2. Eat the Right Food in Right Portion

No matter how much you crave for that candy over those salads, try your level best to stay away from
sweets. Even if it’s just a single candy bar, it won’t let you get in shape and we all know one bar will
lead to another. Vegetables and fruits are the best thing to eat during a weight loss program.
Talking of apples, they help in making you feel full for a good 3-4 hours while green vegetables such
as broccoli keeps digestive system running and clean.

3. Keep Track of Your Calories and Food Intake

Keeping a thorough track of how many calories and food you intake in a day helps in planning out the
various physical activities you are going to do throughout the day. So, plan out your meals and take
in more healthy calories while also working out rigorously.

4. Be Sure to Get Proper Sleep

Although, most of us have a 9 to 5 job at hand, then we also have some targets to achieve which
usually eats up our sleep time but it’s crucial to take proper sleep. It is advised to take 6-8 hours of
sleep which keeps the body going throughout the day. You can also take a half hour nap to regain
your strength which will help you exercise in full motion.

The key to losing weight is to STAY MOTIVATED!


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