Meet The Fashion Queen- Coco Chanel (4 Interesting Facts About Her)

Meet the bombshell of the fashion world- Coco Chanel! She turned the tables in women’s fashion
industry with her breakthrough style and ideas. You might have known her as this glamorous and
successful women but do you know all the nitty-gritty of her career? Have a dekko at her life and
career through these interesting facts which I’m sure will resonate in your mind while shopping at
any Chanel Boutique offering an array of luxe stuff.

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  1.  Her Real Name Was Gabrielle Chanel
Yes! Those of your who think Coco was her real name are really misled. Once she became popular
after her two songs- Ko Ko Ri Ko and Qui qu’a vu Coco, she started using her name Coco instead
of Gabrielle. She also revealed later that her father gave her this nickname- Coco and used to call
her that. 

  1. Back In Times, Performed As A Cabaret Singer
She used to sing at a cafe-concert and her only earnings were the collected money in a tray which
was passed in the audience after her performance. So nobody can point fingers that she didn’t
struggled in her life.
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  1.  Women’s Pants- Her Breakthrough
As much as women’s pants look a simple idea today, back in time, it was actually ahead of the
curve to come up with an idea of a woman wearing pants. Her wearing pants in Venice became all
the rage. She felt wearing pants while riding a horse is much more comfortable than wearing skirts.
Thanks to her for thinking and daring of choosing comfort over the conventional style chosen for
women by the society. 

  1. Launched The First Designer Perfume

The most famous women’s perfume in the history was given to us by none other than Coco Chanel.
She named it Chanel no. 5 because it was the fifth fragrance in samples. Even the famous actress
Marilyn Monroe once said that she wears a few drops of Chanel no 5 to bed.


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