3 Effective Ways To Make Up After A Fight With Your Boyfriend - No Matter How Bad It Was

Nobody enjoys fighting, isn’t it? Specially when it’s with the love of your life - it’s not at all pretty.
While some makes an effort to run away from any confrontation while others complicate things even
further by having a good screaming match. But when the anger subsides, we all want to make up
ASAP. So, our ways to step out of a fight and make up after fight comes in very handy.


We often end up fighting with our boyfriends when we both have a difference of opinion or we want
different things. Is it about a movie that you want to watch or the last Snickers bar in the kitchen
drawer or is it that your boyfriend spends more time with his friends than spending some quality time
with you. Don’t worry, negotiation is the key to such feuds.

A Peace Offering

How to cheer up your boyfriend? I bet, you have had long hours of discussion with your BFF over
phone to discuss ways that you can end this fight and get back to your loving self. Haven’t you?
The best way to win back his heart is to offer him some sort of peace offering. It can be as simple
and small as a hand-written note or fancy flower bouquet, he is sure to appreciate your efforts.
Ofcourse, money can’t happiness but however blanch it may sound, it surely can help you buy a
piece offering.

Agree To Disagree

Not every argument will end u with a solution at hand. Sometimes you have to take things as they
are and learn to ‘agree to disagree’. But if both the parties involved are adamant and decided not to
budge- then the only way out is to move forward. Just forget about the whole argument plus the
reason behind it or just agree to disagree and, forgive and forget as well. If you continue to hold on
to the argument, it will lead to anger and resentment later.


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