3 Things Related To Periods Which You Have Always Wanted To Know
Hate it or be okay with it periods are the reality that we have to go through. Teenagers or even oblivious adults may have many questions regarding periods which they didn’t ask somebody. However, you must understand that there is no harm or shame in talking about periods. It’s natural and we need to understand it because anyway we have to deal with it in any case. So here we have answered 3 common questions which are asked by girls and women around the globe. Read the answers to increase your knowledge about periods and the things related to them. How to use a tampon? Just like your pads, tampons are also used to store and dump the period blood. It is made up of a soft material which is inserted in the vagina. It has a string with it which helps to remove it easily. With each tampon box you will get a proper user manual to tell you how to use them. You have to insert in your vagina which is the opening between your urethra from where the pee comes out. Afte...